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Belly Up to the Festi-Bar
This may be the coolest bar you visit all winter. Starting next weekend, belly up to the bar. The Festi-Bar!
Naturally Relaxing
Harman Dhaliwal and Gabrielle
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Local Ownership, Local Decision Making
When we talk about “local business”, we’re talking about local ownership and independent decision making. Ownership is important because value stays local.
Abba-Zaba into Business
For Tia Medeiros, inspiration struck when she was watching the Dave Chappelle comedy Half Baked. It might be more accurate to call it a craving. The movie features Abba-Zaba bars, a taffy candy bar with a peanut butter centre.
Taking Care with Zealous Medi Spa
The timing wasn’t perfect for Darcy Hannah, but owning her own business turned out to be the perfect fit.
A Potato Fondue? Who Knew?
Potahto Week is upon us, and restaurants all over Winnipeg are serving up creative interpretations of every Manitoban’s favourite vegetable; the humble-yet-mighty potato.